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  • Tammy US
    Marianne, I am in awe of your incredible talent! Your work touches me so deeply on so many levels! Your work stimulates my emotions...fills my heart with great help me to pull out emotions so deep within is very healing to my soul...and I just wanted you to know how much your gift...your talents bring peace to my heart...for this I am very grateful...Thank you so much for sharing your healing talents...know that you have truly helped me in my journey toward inner peace...I shall "pay it forward" in our quest for world peace.... Sincerely, Tammy

  • Nathalie CH
    Magnifique..cela me fait du bien ..c’est doux...c’est silencieux.., je trouve vos œuvres très belles ..

  • Dominique FR
    hello Marianne,
    quel plaisir de te retrouver ici aussi ;-) ton oeuvre est toujours aussi magique !!
  • Albi FR
    Vraiment beaucoup de talent.
    Je suis resté scotché en regardant vos travaux.
    Merci !
  • Susan US
    Your paintings have a way of drawing me into them. The feelings expressed on canvass take me on unexpected journeys and that is good.
    May the greatest good come forth for you and your service in the world.
    Susan Sun